Operating within Polo Meccatronica means having access to the high-profile services offered by Trentino Sviluppo: business support in the areas of product and market development, assistance with technology transfer and protection of intellectual property, and with export and search for international partnerships.

Achab Sviluppo is a spin-off company from the Achab Group, a leading network in Italy in the field of marketing, consultancy, planning, and project implementation for information and awareness-raising campaigns on topics such as environmental protection and ecology. The agreement with Polo Meccatronica includes specialised coaching courses in the fields of communication and marketing.

In 2014, Trentino Sviluppo concluded a partnership agreement with the temporary management cooperative Ad Hoc – Interventi manageriali. The terms of the agreement allowed Ad Hoc to provide a full acceleration and consolidation programme to growing enterprises. After a preliminary business check-up, the experts of this temporary management cooperative elaborate, in partnership with Polo Meccatronica, an intervention plan aimed at solving the business issues identified in selected enterprises. The actions carried out at managerial level come at a regulated fee and in some cases the enterprises will have the possibility to apply to the grants eligible pursuant to Provincial Law 6/99.

APCO was started back in 1968 and is headquartered in Milan. It is a professional association that represents and certifies those who, in Italy, work as organisation and management consultants on a professional and continuous basis. It keeps a record of almost 300 members, whose skills are certified according to international standards that place them in a global network of high-skilled consultants working in 54 different countries scattered all over the world: another valuable tool to promote the internationalisation of start-up companies.

Bugnion provides the enterprises headquartered in Polo Meccatronica with an early guidance about industrial property issues and assistance to file patent requests and manage all bureaucratic procedures (patents, trademarks, design, etc.), as well as support in the field of contract law, licensing, technology assessment, and technology competitive intelligence analysis. Bugnion will be physically present in Trentino Sviluppo with a specific focus on Progetto Manifattura and Polo Meccatronica. It will visit its facilities at least once per month, provide support for the organisation of workshops and seminars, as well as offer a first evaluation meeting for free and a 20% discount on its services.

Business Angels are a not-for-profit organization and has a total record of 141 members. It is present in eight Italian cities (Verona, Milan, Vicenza, Treviso, Udine, Florence, Padua, and Catania) and has already analysed 200 projects, financing 16 of them. It works to promote new entrepreneurship initiatives to play a part in job creation and the economic success of the financed enterprises.
The mission of this association is fostering the research and development related to new entrepreneurial ideas by providing its skills and, when considered valuable, risk equity.