Project partners

The buildings of Polo Meccatronica are conceived to fit the highest quality and sustainability standards: the production area was built according to  LEED (Gold level) and ARCA (Gold level) standards, the first Certification in Italy for wood constructions.

Being LEED - certified means to take care of the environment while building through:  separate collection in the yard, wooden fencing, dust abatement and anti-seepage systems and the use of a special machine in order to wheel - bath the heavy vehicles leaving the construction site. LEED ITALIA is the most common rating system for sustainable buildings in the world. 

The building, having a volume of 18.000 M3, is the widest wooden cant ever built in Trentino. In order to build the office modules, with their 410 wooden windows, 7.400 sq.m. of X-Lam panels, that means 1.500 M3 of Fiemme Valley fir boards, were needed. It is marked by significant energy-efficiency performances, sound insulation, fire and earthquake resistance and high environmental sustainability. 

The production building is made of 2.100 M3 of timber. Sounds a lot...but it is the quantity of wood that grows in Trentino forests in 18 hours and 36 minutes.