The hub where enterprises can find high value-added services

Companies operating in the mechatronics sector are offered modular and customizable production spaces, incentives for industrial research and the recruitment of researchers, tax breaks for new businesses and a dedicated team to accompany the processes of development and growth. The proximity with the University of Trento and the vocational institutes enhances the intership opportunities and strengthens the relations between the research and business world, promoting at the same time cross-fertilization and technology transfer. This hub offers an integrated system to support businesses, in order to improve the quality of life (and business).

THE SET-UP FORMULAS: an integrated system at the service of our enterprises

Polo Meccatronica offers interesting opportunities both in starting a business through the Starter programme, and in consolidating it, through the  Innovation Factory programme.

The setting-up offer is thought to accomodate different types of enterprises, providing services or operating in both the light and heavy manufacturing, and is designed to house a wide range of organisational forms and sides. 

The logistical support to businesses provided by Polo Meccatronica includes, among others, optical fiber, shared meeting rooms, cafeteria and night surveillance. 

Polo Meccatronica SET-UP FORMULAS