The project of Polo Meccatronica, strongly supported by the Autonomous Province of Trento , is coordinated by a mixed public-private task force, marked by a wide range of interdisciplinary skills. Trentino Sviluppo is the governing body, fixing the strategic and operational lines of the project, that also includes: Autonomous Province of Trento, Bruno Kessler Foundation, University of Trento, Confindustria Trento and G. Veronesi Vocational Centre on behalf of the technical and vocational Trentino high - schools.
Who we are

The Autonomous Province of Trento is the main driver behind Polo Meccatronica. It considers this hub as a strategic manufacturing platform for the development of the region.

The Regional Development Agency is the project supervisor for the Polo Meccatronica, which is one of the six Business Innovation Centres (B.I.C.) managed by the Autonomous Province of Trento.
Overall, the BICs host 110 business activities, including startups, companies and research centres for international industrial groups. On the whole, these companies employ around 700 people and generate a turnover of more than 380 million euro per year.

FBK counts with 400 researchers and 20 research centres, which are highly-specialised in the analysis of materials, the manufacturing of micro-silicon devices and energy saving systems, and the creation of innovative information systems.

Hosting approximately 16,000 students, over 600 professors and researchers, the University is divided in 10 departments.
It counts with 3 research centres and 70 laboratories and spinoffs.

Alongside the traditional technological courses in “Electronics and Automation”, “Mechanics”, “Mechatronics and energy”, “IT and Telecommunications”, this Technology High School recently launched a two-year higher - education experience for “Senior Technicians in automation and mechatronic systems”, in order to fulfil the demand of businesses for young professional with advanced technical and technological skills.

This Vocational Centre runs a wide range of training programmes, awarding qualifications and technical diplomas in the areas of: electrics, mechanics, mechatronics, industrial automation, running and maintenance of automated plants, digital manufacturing. It counts with modern laboratories and advanced equipment and offers its students many training opportunities within innovative companies.

This organisation represents over 600 companies operating in the region, for a total of 30,000 employees.

Industrio Venture is a private accelerator, which supports industrial startups in the process of finding new financial resources, equipment and technologies. It offers them a network of international partners from Italy, the US, and China.