A company named Alfa is looking for a production space in which to develop a new project: let's follow it through the settlement, prototype testing and engineering phases, until the launch of the product on the market.

Alfa needs new spaces and proper services. This is the reason why the company will search for a network of actors to deepen the research project and develop the product.
Polo Meccatronica is the ideal environment enabling Alfa to cooperate with other companies, researchers and schools.
By settling in Polo Meccatronica, Alfa will have the chance to enjoy the tax breaks and secured funding guaranteed by the Trentino system.
- 65% tax breaks
- up to 80% of incentives for research projects
- 1000 km of optical fiber
Everything happens easily: the direct contacts with the University of Trento boost the opportunities to interview and hire young mechatronic engineers.
Alfa moves forward: it holds training modules at the technical institute and offers internship opportunities to students, the reservoir on which to draw for future recruitment.
A hub as a meeting place: the common spaces, the lunch breaks and the green areas offer many opportunities to meet other enterprises.
Alfa meets the company Beta, which produces sensors and could provide a crucial value-added to the product. They draw up an agreement.
Thanks to the partnership with Beta, Alfa can develop a first version of the prototype.
Alfa carries out the first tests together with FBK, which supports the enterprises through its rapid prototyping laboratory. The results of the first prototype show that some improvements are needed.
The researchers of the University of Trento deepen the processing techniques and suggest innovative solutions to improve the prototype.
The help of the University researchers allows Alfa to correct the flaws of the prototype, resulting from the wrong use of the materials.
Thanks to the use of a different alloy and to the support of both the University and FBK, Alfa develops a new assembly system and can move on to the engineering phase.
Thanks to the contacts with the enterprises and the research centres based within the Hub, Alfa can produce its solution at competitive costs.
Alfa benefits from the services provided by Polo Meccatronica for the process of internationalisation: it participates in a technology fair where it enters into new trade relations.
Thanks to the export, the product captures new markets. The modular spaces of Polo Meccatronica allow Alfa to expand its activities.