
Operating within Polo Meccatronica means having access to the high-profile services offered by Trentino Sviluppo: business support in the areas of product and market development, assistance with technology transfer and protection of intellectual property, and with export and search for international partnerships. 


In May 2014, Trentino Sviluppo concluded a strategic agreement with Unicredit S.p.A. to jointly develop new support strategies for start-up companies. The purpose of the partnership is to foster a fruitful exchange of views on innovative technology to encourage synergies among start-up companies, in a perspective of sustainability and international openness. By combining the know-how of Polo Meccatronica with the mentoring skills and market knowledge of Unicredit, the aim is to foster the growth of the most promising enterprises. This partnership will be particularly valuable for the enterprises involved in Polo Meccatronica, since they will gain access to the tools made available to start-up companies by Unicredit, beginning with Start Lab, the acceleration scheme targeting new enterprises belonging to all sectors. In addition to a financial reward, this scheme also offers support activities such as mentorship, network development assistance, and targeted training programmes.


WeAreStarting is an equity crowd-funding portal that facilitates the investments in innovative Italian enterprises. It selects the best enterprises and gives them visibility by introducing them to its users, who can directly invest in these companies and become their members. Innovative start-up companies and SMEs registered in a special section of the Enterprise Registry may collect capital through online tools. Anyone can invest and become member of the innovative enterprises displayed, from professional investors to small savers.
